iGreenMill - Ejercicios
Side Walking
Backward Walking with Handrail Support
Walking with Handrail Support
Walking with Hands Leaning on the Top of the Handle
Walking with Hands Leaning on the Middle of the Handle
Walking with Hands Leaning on the Bottom of the Handle
Walking with Bent Legs and Hands on Top of the Handle
Walking with Bent Legs and Hands on Bottom of the Handle
Forward Jumps
Triceps - Running with Arm Extensions
Glutes and Legs - Lunges
Glutes and Legs - Side Lunges
Glutes and Legs - Half Squat Walking
Glutes and Legs - Walking with Hands on Treadmill Belt
Glutes and Legs - Walking Lunges
Glutes and Legs - Backward Walking with Hands on Treadmill Belt
Glutes and Legs - Leg Extensions with Hands on Treadmill Belt
Glutes and Legs - Leg Push-offs with Hands on Treadmill Belt
Glutes and Legs - Leg Movement with Leg Twists from Front to End of Treadmill
Glutes and Legs - Leg Raises with Hands on Treadmill Belt
Back and Biceps - Pull-ups
Abs and Glutes - Jumps with Hands on Treadmill Belt
Abs, Glutes, and Legs - Body Extensions with Hands on Treadmill Belt
Shoulders, Biceps, Glutes, Legs - Horizontal Pull-ups
Shoulders, Biceps, Glutes, Legs - One-legged Horizontal Pull-ups
Shoulders, Biceps, Glutes, Legs - Squat Position Horizontal Pull-ups
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